I uploaded TWO pages today! Click on the "back" button to see the previous page.
There will be no update this Friday, February 14th. You did get a double spread today, though ;)
I'll continue posting normally on Tuesday, February 18th.
And in case you can't remember the ruin: Dunja's gang talked about it here in Chapter 2, when they had their first meeting with Claire.
Heute habe ich ZWEI Seiten hochgeladen! Klick auf den "Zurück"-Button, um die vorherige Seite zu sehen.
Es wird diesen Freitag, 14. Februar, kein Update geben. Dafür habt ihr heute ja eine Doppelseite bekommen ;)
Ich werde ab Dienstag, 18. Februar, ganz normal weiter posten.
Und falls ihr euch nicht mehr an die Ruine erinnern könnt: Dunjas Gang sprach darüber, hier in Kapitel 2 bei ihrem ersten Treffen mit Claire.
2 thoughts on “Chapter 8 – page 31”
HOLY CANNOLI DOES SHE TIME TRAVEL WHEN SHE CRAWLS THROUGH THE HEDGE?! To quote Lewis Carroll “Curiouser and curiouser”, this mystery has gotten a bit more complicated hasn’t it? Which begs the question, is Lion in the Ruins of the Mansion or he still at the Mansion through the Bramble Hedge? (I know that you won’t be able to answer those questions right now, it would be getting too ahead in the story.) But, it’s rather a strange situation that Claire has found herself in where it concerns the Monster, a part of me is theorizing that this is perhaps due to the Monster having left the Mansion for the moment? Magic is a funny thing after all! There’s so many questions as to what is going on here but no answers to them, at least not yet.🤔😏
Julia Beutling
Haha, you’re right – I can’t give any answers 😉 But they will come in time, some more slowy than others. I’m enjoying your theorizing though, and I’m glad the mysteries keep being interesting 🙂